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Settling In: Your New Life Starts Here!

Settling In: Your New Life Starts Here!

Whether you’re moving to Laguna Beach for the parks, the nightlife, or the affordability of the area, there are still transition pains. From cleaning up on move-in day to helping your kids make new friends, the first days and weeks are a challenge. But with a little good advice, you can get settled STAT. Read on as we guide you through what you need to know!

Clean before you unpack.

Ideally, the previous tenants or owners of your new place have already removed their stuff. But they left behind a lot...even if you can’t see it. Dust, pet dander, and lingering smoke can all trigger allergies, so Seventh Generation recommends a deep clean to remove any unseen residual. Start with the bathrooms and kitchen so everyone can use those functional areas with peace of mind, and make sure to leave the windows open while you work.

Upack these rooms first.

Once your new place is spick and span, you can start the daunting process of unpacking. So your family can get a sense of normalcy as quickly as possible, do it in this order: kids’ rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, your room, living room, then everything else.

Figure out where’s what and who’s who.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper and jot down a few important places and people. This should include everything from the kids’ schools to the closest Chinese take-out. Find your basic necessities, like the closest grocery, gas station, and pharmacy. Apartment Ratings suggests the library and visitors center are great resources to help you get to know your new hometown. (We started your list below!)


No doubt you are curious about the new neighborhood. So are your kids. And the neighbors are also eager to meet you. Don’t be shy about knocking on a few doors to introduce yourself. This is an excellent way to break the ice and a good chance for the kids to meet their forthcoming classmates.

You can embrace the broader community quickly as well, and give them a chance to embrace you! Consider joining a local group so that you can meet like-minded individuals. Similarly, plant the seeds of your professional network as soon as possible after you arrive. Although things are hectic, make a point to meet your new coworkers after work for a quick drink. Also, sign up with local industry and trade groups ASAP.

Don’t forget Spot.

Moving is hard. But it is even harder for your animals. Remember, you and your children knew well before moving day that change was on the horizon. Your dogs and cats did not. Although they surely noticed all of the packing boxes and felt your stress, one morning they were waking up in their favorite corner and the next that corner was gone forever. Plan to stick around for the first couple of days and make sure to take your well-behaved pets along with you as you comb the neighborhood.

Finally, remember to take a break. There are many things to do and see in Laguna Beach. Get out there and see them. Your new hometown is worth exploring. Plus, getting away from the bubble wrap and packing tape, even if just for a few hours, will make things go along more smoothly by providing a much-needed distraction for your entire family.

Local Resources


Just because you’ve changed your life doesn’t mean you can neglect your health. Check out Laguna Health Club at 870 Glenneyre Street; (949) 494-9314


Date night doesn’t stop when you relocate. Look for a trusted sitter Laguna Beach babysitter on

Pet sitter

The dog needs attention, too, and moving is stressful on your furry friend. Help them settle in by leaving them with a responsible sitter when you’re away, just check with


Hot days and chilly nights mean you’ll want to have a great HVAC person in your phone. A top pic is Mayo Mechanical; (949) 494-5036


Accidents happen, and especially when you’re lugging big boxes up the stairs on moving day. Know where to go in case of an emergency. Mission Hospital; (949) 499-1311

Image via Pexels

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